Syntax UE4, UE5
Example: I'm ReviewedUE4 Marketplace - FPSTemplate
In 2021/10 I checked can build and run on UE 4.27.1 In 2021/04 I checked can build and run on UE 4.25.4 It was need fixed one widget bp. I'm getting a Good time and Good experience by this projects Thanks for develop this project!! --- About UE5 compatibility need fix below compile to launch ue5 editor. [In Bullet] UE4.26 HitResult.Actor UE5, UE4.27 HitResult.GetActor() [In Soldier] UE4.26 GetMesh()->SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton UE5, UE4.27 GetMesh()->SkeletalMesh->GetRefSkeleton() [StaticFunctionLibrary] UE4.26 ClassName.Replace(TEXT("_"), TEXT(" ")); UE5, UE4.27 FString tmpString = ClassName.Replace(TEXT("_"), TEXT("")); [In BaseSingleton] UE4.26 TAssetPtrUE5, UE4.27 TSoftObjectPtr
This case, will fail to build in UE5 environment
UE5.EA: HitResult.GetActor()
UE4.27: HitResult.Actor
void AThrowableProjectile::OnProjectileBounce(const FHitResult& HitResult, const FVector& ImpactVelocity) { if (HitResult.GetActor()) { FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent; DamageEvent.HitInfo = HitResult; DamageEvent.Damage = 20.f; DamageEvent.ShotDirection = ImpactVelocity; HitResult.Actor->TakeDamage(5.f, DamageEvent, GetInstigatorController(), this); } }