2/24/2025 8:51:34 AM in Japan
tdiary location: /usr/port/www/tdiary portsインストール後 There is a script to install tDiary in user directory. This script should be run manually. # /usr/local/bin/tdiary-inst.rb --user=User or % /usr/local/bin/tdiary-insr.rb * Option: --suexec Use suExec for CGI execution --help Display Help information --- There are documents in the following directories. See ... /usr/local/share/doc/tdiary
設定はここから $ tdiary-inst.rb --user=ユーザ名 ** Starting tDiary for FreeBSD user directory installation ... Copy tDiary ... *** You have to execute the following commands: % /usr/local/sbin/htpasswd -c /home/ユーザ名/.htpassd ユーザ名 Please read /usr/local/share/doc/tdiary/README.en.html for additional information. ******